5 Things Not to Say to Single Parents

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Being a single parent has its ups and downs, and while most people have good intentions, there are some comments that can unintentionally sting or frustrate. Here are five things you should steer clear of saying to a single parent, and why they might not be as helpful as you think.

1. "My partner is away this weekend, so I'm a single parent too."

Comparing a temporary situation to the ongoing reality of single parenthood can feel dismissive. Single parents juggle the demands of raising children on their own every day, without the promise of a partner’s return in a few days. Instead, try acknowledging their unique journey with something like, "I really admire how you manage everything on your own.

2. "It must be so hard without a partner."

While this might come from a place of empathy, it can sometimes highlight the challenges without recognising the strengths and joys that single parents also experience. Many single parents are incredibly resilient and resourceful. A more supportive approach could be, "You’re doing an amazing job with your kids."

3. "Are you thinking about dating again?"

Asking about a single parent’s dating life can feel intrusive and put unnecessary pressure on them. Single parents often prioritise their children’s well-being and their own personal growth over finding a new partner. A kinder way to show interest might be, "How do you find time for yourself?"

4. "I don’t know how you do it. I could never be a single parent."

This statement can place single parents on a pedestal, which can be isolating rather than supportive. Single parents often do what they have to do out of love and necessity, just like any parent would. A more inclusive comment could be, "Your dedication to your kids is really inspiring."

5. "Your kids must really miss having a mum/dad."

Bringing up the absence of a parent can be painful and unnecessary. Children in single-parent households can thrive and feel just as loved as those in two-parent households. Focus on the positives instead by saying, "Your kids are lucky to have such a loving and dedicated parent."

Next time you’re chatting with a single parent, remember that thoughtful, supportive comments can make a big difference. Acknowledge their hard work, resilience, and the love they have for their children. Single parents are doing an incredible job, and your words of encouragement can help brighten their day.

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